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One of the Best War Films of All Time.

Plenty of movies about war have been made and a lot of them are very good, but Saving Private Ryan is one of the best war movies that I have ever seen in my life. it does an amazing job of showing the hardships of war and all the crap that the army men had to, and still have to go through, when they have to go into war and defend our country and do a job that seems impossible in the middle of the biggest war this world has ever seen. Tom Hanks delivers, as he always does, and the writing is also phenomenal., the ability the writers had to make us realize the craziness of being in war and what the guys talk about while they are in the war, as well. The movie came out in 1998 and became an instant classic that any movie enthusiast, or really anyone who has access to a movie store, should most definitely watch in their lifetime.

One of the best scenes in this movie happens right away in the beginning of the movie, the D-Day scene. Saving Private Ryan starts out with a massive bang showing one of the most infamous war days in the history of the second world war. showing the anguish and the killing that happened when the men stormed the Normandy beach on June 6, 1994. Even though this scene is arguably one of the best scenes in the movie, it also happens to be one of the hardest to watch. Watching all the bleeding, dying, and just all around death is extremely brutal and extremely hard to endure, but this is also probably one of the best films, and scenes, in cinematic history, because it shows just how crazy and hard war was, and is.

I don’t need to really write too much about this movie, because it is one that you definitely need to watch. It’s a hard story about a group of army guys who have have to save am guy who has lost three brothers and the army feels it is its duty to save the man and let the mother get out of the war with one of her sons. It’s a very hard moral dilemma that the men of the group are constantly debating and talking about. The movie has a great plot and great characters and it is definitely one you need to see. Right now! go to your local video rental store, or less than legal website, if that’s how you roll, and get this movie and watch it ASAP.

I wonder how long it will take Matt Damon to look like this?

Now, I’ve never seen Shakespeare in love, I’m sure it is a great movie, but I find it very hard to believe that it deserved the best Oscar award. I give Saving Private Ryan a 9.5 Tom Hanks’ Faces out of 10.

About steenr

Avid improviser, writer (of many different genres), and comedian. Currently, trying to make a life for myself in bringing joy to people's daily lives.

One response to “One of the Best War Films of All Time.

  1. For me it’s hard to choose between this and Band of Brothers for best war film of all time. Both are beautiful works of art. Check out my comparison…nd-of-brothers/

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